Click-Through Rate (CTR) Calculator

Immediate CTR Calculation

Quick and easy way to calculate the CTR of your ads and content.

The click-through rate is a key metric in online advertising, as it represents the percentage of people who click on an ad or link out of the total number of people who see it. A high CTR is generally seen as a good thing, as it means that people are interested in what you’re offering.


You can calculate CTR and with it you and estimate the performance with a simple tool called CTR Calculator. OTT also offer one such tool. Basically, a CTR calculator is a tool that helps online advertisers and publishers to calculate their click-through rates. 

CTR Calculator
What is a CTR Calculator?

A CTR calculator is a tool that allows you to calculate your Click-Through Rate (CTR) for a given ad campaign. CTR is a key metric in online advertising and is used to measure the success of an ad campaign. A high CTR indicates that your ad is being clicked on by a large number of people, and is a good indicator of the effectiveness of your ad campaign.


To use a CTR calculator, you will need to input some basic information about your ad campaign, including the number of impressions, clicks, and conversion rate. You can then use this information to calculate your CTR.


There are a number of different CTR calculators available online, and they all work in slightly different ways. However, the basic principle is the same: you input some basic information about your ad campaign, and the calculator will give you your CTR.


If you are running an ad campaign, it is important to track your CTR and to use a CTR calculator to help you to understand your results. By doing this, you can make sure that your ad campaign is as effective as possible, and you can make changes if necessary to improve your CTR.

CTR Calculator
CTR Calculator
12 Best CTR Calculators

If you are looking for a reliable CTR calculator, here we are providing the top 12 best CTR calculators for you.


1. CTR Calculator by OTT: Probably the best CTR calculator on the web. It is a helpful tool for marketers to calculate your CTR for paid as well as organic search results.
2. Google AdWords: This is one of the most popular and effective CTR calculators. You can use it to calculate your CTR for both paid and organic search results.
3.’s CTR calculator: It is a great way to calculate your website’s click-through rate. With this CTR calculator, you can easily find out how many visitors will/are clicking on your website’s links.
4. Bing Ads: Bing Ads also offers a CTR calculator that you can use to calculate your CTR for both paid and organic search results.
5. Yahoo! Search Marketing: Yahoo! Search Marketing offers a CTR calculator that you can use to calculate your CTR for both paid and organic search results.
6. Facebook Ads: Facebook Ads offers a CTR calculator that you can use to calculate your CTR for both paid and organic search results.
7. Twitter Ads: Twitter Ads offers a CTR calculator that you can use to calculate your CTR for both paid and organic search results.
8. LinkedIn Ads: LinkedIn Ads offers a CTR calculator that you can use to calculate your CTR for both paid and organic search results.
9. Google Analytics: Google Analytics offers a CTR calculator that you can use to calculate your CTR for both paid and organic search results.
10. Omniture: Omniture offers a CTR calculator that you can use to calculate your CTR for both paid and organic search results.
11. Webtrends: Webtrends offers a CTR calculator that you can use to calculate your CTR for both paid and organic search results.
12. ClickTracks: ClickTracks offers a CTR calculator that you can use to calculate your CTR for both paid and organic search results.

These are just 12 tools but there are much more available on the web. Check these tools and what they are offering and we are sure you will find one that suits your business needs.


What Are The Benefits of Using CTR Calculators?

If you are running a business, then it is important to track your marketing efforts to see if they are giving you a good return on investment. This is where CTR (click-through rate) calculators come in handy.


CTR calculators help you to track the number of clicks that your ad or link receives, divided by the number of times it is shown. This lets you see how effective your marketing is and whether you are getting a good return on investment.


There are a number of benefits to using CTR calculators, including:


1. Helps you track your marketing efforts

CTR calculators help you to track the number of clicks that your ad or link receives. This lets you see how effective your marketing is and whether you are getting a good return on investment.


2. Helps you improve your marketing

If you see that your CTR is low, then you can take steps to improve your marketing. This could include changing your ad copy or targeting a different audience.


3. Helps you make informed decisions

CTR calculators provide valuable data that you can use to make informed decisions about your marketing. This data can help you to determine which marketing channels are most effective and where you should allocate your budget.


4. Helps you save money

By using CTR calculators, you can save money on ineffective marketing campaigns. This is because you can quickly identify which campaigns are not performing well and cut them from your budget.


5. Helps you track your ROI

CTR calculators can help you to track your return on investment (ROI). This is the ratio of how much money you make from a campaign, divided by how much you spend on it. A high ROI means that you are making more money than you are spending and is a good sign that your marketing is effective.


If you are looking to improve your marketing, then using a CTR calculator is a great way to do it. There are a total of 12 best CTR Calculators listed above including OTT’s CTR Calculator. These calculators offer a number of benefits that can help you to make informed decisions, save money, and track your ROI.

CTR Calculator
CTR Calculator
Click through rate formula

The click-through rate (CTR) formula is a way to measure the effectiveness of an online ad. It is calculated by dividing the number of clicks an ad receives by the number of times the ad is shown. The formula is as follows:

CTR = (Number of clicks / Number of impressions) * 100%

For example, if an ad receives 10 clicks and is shown 100 times, the CTR is 10%.

Click through rate calculator

A CTR calculator is a tool that can be used to calculate the CTR of an online ad. There are many different CTR calculators available online, and they all work in a similar way. To use a CTR calculator, you will need to enter the following information:

  • 1. The number of clicks the ad has received
  • 2. The number of times the ad has been shown

The calculator will then calculate the CTR and display the results.

CTR Calculator
CTR Calculator
CTR Equation

The CTR equation is a mathematical formula that can be used to calculate the CTR of an online ad. The equation is as follows:

CTR = (Clicks / Impressions) * 100%


  • 1. Clicks = The number of times an ad has been clicked
  • 2. Impressions = The number of times an ad has been shown

The CTR equation can be used to calculate the CTR of any online ad, regardless of the platform it is being used on.

Uses of CTR calculator tool

The CTR calculator tool can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • 1. Measuring the effectiveness of online ads
  • 2. Comparing the CTR of different ads
  • 3. Identifying ads that are not performing well
  • 4. Making changes to ads to improve their CTR

The CTR calculator tool is a valuable tool for anyone who is running online ads. It can help you to measure the effectiveness of your ads and make changes to improve their performance. By using the CTR calculator tool and following mentioned tips, you can improve the effectiveness of your online ads and get more clicks.

CTR Calculator