In the end, effective marketing conveys to the world your superiority in your field. You employ marketing to persuade potential clients that you are their best option. On the other hand, effective branding functions the other way. Your clients will explain to you (and anybody else who will listen) why you are ideal for resolving their problems if you build a strong brand. Therefore, positive brand mentions might offer fantastic evidence that you can use in your marketing initiatives. They also simplify the work of marketing.

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Hashtags Are Commonly Used When Mentioning Brands

When users include hashtags in their social media posts, they frequently reference brands online. Branded hashtags are advantageous to businesses since they not only serve as a free form of advertising for the company but also serve as an effective way to organize and find information.


Simply a word or phrase followed by the # symbol is a hashtag. Typically, the word or phrase would be a keyword or term that appeals to a large audience. For branded hashtags, the term or keyword is a term or phrase associated with a brand, frequently a marketing slogan, such as #ShareACoke (by Coca-Cola), #MyCalvins (by Calvin Klein), or #NationalFriedChickenDay (by KFC).



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Reasons to Keep an Eye on Hashtags

In a perfect world, only good internet mentions of your brand would exist. Your product’s advantages would be widely publicized by your adoring customers. Unfortunately, it’s not quite that easy. The squeaky wheel gets the most grease, therefore a part of the brand mentions you receive may come from angry customers (i.e.,”only the loudest whiner gets what he wants.”)


It is much better if you are aware of any issues with your brand. You can fix the issues you are aware of. However, you can’t repair problems you aren’t aware of, and inaction itself may be viewed adversely.


What Do You Understand By Brand Perception?

The gap between how a brand sees itself and how other people see it might be extremely wide. One issue is that brand owners frequently view their brand in aspirational terms rather than practical terms.


The focus of brand perception is how consumers perceive the brand. A company cannot manage how customers perceive its brand. All they can do is enhance customer support and product quality to a point where brand perception changes.


However, brand perception plays an equally significant role in the marketing of a brand as determinable elements like logos, colors, and visuals. If people have a bad opinion of a brand, these are meaningless. Because they like your logo, people won’t buy your stuff. Because of your product’s attractive packaging and styling, customers might only purchase it once. But unless the product fulfills their standards and they think your customer service is up to par, they won’t come back.

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Better Understanding the Perspective of Your Customers

Too many businesses create their goods and services independently of their clientele. They frequently focus on production, creating a product, and trying to sell it to a skeptical market. Typically, marketing-driven businesses operate backward. They attempt to create a product that better satisfies the requirements of a specific societal niche. Product-driven businesses start with the product and then look for the right clients. Market-driven businesses start with a preferred consumer segment and look for a product that will be valuable to that market.

Unfiltered Feedback

Unfiltered mini-reviews of a product, some favorable, some bad, are common in brand mentions and are almost always helpful for improving customer service, product development, and corporate reflection. They can be used by businesses to continuously enhance how their company is run.


When a disgruntled client openly criticizes your service on Facebook or leaves a terrible Yelp review, you might cringe, but it can be insightful feedback. You shouldn’t immediately close the blinds and disregard it as unjustified.

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Recognize Your Clients

Monitoring brand mentions has many advantages, one of which is that it helps companies learn more about their consumers. Your data should be segmented by demographics including overall age, gender, geography, language, occupations, and interests. Different demographic groupings are probably to see your product differently. For instance, for every elderly person whining about the loud sound emanating from a concert, there are young individuals gushing about the caliber of the music performed.


You may take steps to make things better if you understand your client’s needs and how they view your brand. It makes sense for brands to attempt and address any issues on social media if a problem has been raised there. One of the simplest methods to alter brand impression is through social media.

Several Companies Choose to Ignore Customer Feedback

As per research, More than 70% of businesses disregard Twitter complaints. Even while Facebook and Instagram currently have a wider audience than Twitter does, a big number of people still watch each post on Twitter, making it a significant social network. However, most businesses just disregard the criticism they get on the platform; in fact, unless they employ social media monitoring software, they are unlikely to be aware of it.


Another intriguing finding from the poll is that 83% of the complainants who received a response rated the company’s response as either great or excellent. Often, only acknowledging that there might be a problem is enough to address the problem.

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Monitor Brand Mentions
How Can You Monitor Brand Mentions and Track Hashtags?

You must first decide which terms you want to keep an eye on. This ought to have more information than just your business name. You ought to think about seeing any –

    • Product names (e.g., iPad Pro, iPad Air, and iPad Mini)
    • Industry-specific keywords (e.g., 5G, international roaming)
    • Competitor keywords (e.g., Android, Samsung)
    • Branded keywords and common variations (e.g., Apple, iPhone, iPad, MacBook)
    • Campaign names (e.g., Shot on iPhone)
    • Product features and functions (e.g., iCloud, Siri)
    • C-Suite and brand public figures (e.g., Tim Cook, Steve Jobs)
  •  Use “Google Alerts” to start your brand monitoring procedure. Google will notify you via email each day when a website has mentioned your brand.
Monitoring Hashtags and the Reputation of Your Brand with Paid Tools

For more thorough and detailed brand monitoring, there are many paid options available. These consist of:

1. BrandMentions

2. YouScan

3. Meltwater

4. Brandwatch

5. Synthesio

6. Brand24 

7. Talkwalker 

8. BuzzSumo

9. NetBase

10. Digimind Social

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Use of Hashtags in Social Media Posts

The greatest methods for monitoring how other users use your branded hashtags have been covered thus far. But how ought you employ them personally? What are the ideal hashtag usage techniques for social media posts?


Hashtags are mostly used for two purposes:

1. Creating and utilizing custom hashtags to advertise your business and goods. As was mentioned above, you may monitor your branded hashtags and brand mentions learning more about how people view you and how they perceive your brand image.

2. A bigger audience for the content you post by utilizing popular and current hashtags that aren’t specifically related to your brand but are nonetheless pertinent in some way. To find out which hashtags are trending and how much interest there is in a specific topic, utilize some of the tools we listed above, including RiteTag and Tagboard.


Brands commonly use hashtag campaigns on social media for the following reasons:

1. To enhance brand awareness

2. To make it easier to track and analyze the success of their content

3. To increase audience involvement

4. To help launch a product

5. To increase the visibility of their content

6. To boost their social engagement

7. As part of a contest or competition