Revenue Generated by SEO22,125,576
E-commerece Transactions19,246,223
Leads Generated12,636,545
Calls Generated96%
Client Retention Rate Yes! We win 96% of the time.118
SEO Awards WonThe vast majority of web traffic comes from three search engines: Google (78%), Bing (8%), and Yahoo (6%).
Search engine traffic is valuable because people searching for solutions are qualified. They are looking for what you offer. So, when you rank high in search, it’s like having an interstate highway running past your business – you can get all the customers you want.
That’s why investing in SEO training for your team can deliver such an exceptional rate of return compared to other types of marketing.
Join clients who enjoy 96% satisfaction
But the rules of search are changing. Every day.
Google modifies its algorithms about 10 times a week — 500 to 600 times a year. And every one of those changes can push your site down in organic search results.
And there’s no “manual” or “tech support” you can turn to. Because Google and other search engines provide little guidance on how to get more traffic. All they offer are best practices about optimizing your website.
As a result, if Google and other search engines don’t rank your website highly, you miss out on incredible opportunities … and people searching for solutions go to your competitors instead.
We have inspired and motivated business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals around the world for the past few years, and we’ve designed apps that both boost brand awareness and drives productivity off the charts. However, we realized that we couldn’t help everyone. and the truth is not everyone is our match made in heaven. Therefore, we only accept new clients after an extensive screening process that helps us determine whether we will be a good fit for each other.
Our consulting gives you an SEO plan to follow.
Our training gives your team skills to execute the plan.
This one-two punch — consulting and training — gives you a competitive edge that lasts.
Key: Our SEO consulting services or training aren’t just about building a website for search engines. They’re about building a website for people– that’s what search engines want.
We can deliver our service two ways: on-site or remotely.
• On-Site: We come to your business, meet with your leadership team, define your goals, create a strategic SEO plan, then train your people to execute the plan. We can travel to you in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, or Australia. Engagements range in length from one day to 5 days.
• Remotely: The same consulting and training are delivered by phone or Skype video conferencing. At a time that’s convenient for you. Engagements range in length from 5 hours to 5 months or more – the choice is yours.
Whether it’s on-site or remote, our professionals work on your projects 12 hours a day, 7 days a week and report directly to you. This is how we achieve rapid results for you.
New hire reviews: Have you hired an SEO consultant, link builder or developer, but you’re not sure how they will perform? We can assess their skills so you can make the right decision.
Link building audit: Have you purchased link acquisitions from consultants or SEO firms that outsource their work? Are you worried that something may be hurting your search rankings? Are you new to SEO and just need advice on links? Our proven tools can analyze your backlink profile, then give you an audit of every backlink to show if it’s helping or hurting your website in search.
Competitive analysis: Are you frustrated that competitors still rank higher than you in the SERPs? Despite all the work you’ve put into your website? We’ll show you why your competitors outrank you, then give you a plan to finally push your website to the top.
SEO audits: You get a complete analysis of your website’s on-page optimization. You’ll see where you’re strong in SEO, where your competitors are weak, and what to do next. As a result, you have a track to run on and the motivation to achieve your SEO goals!
Link acquisition: Natural links are incredibly valuable and cannot be faked. Unlike other SEO firms, we don’t put your business at risk with auto-pilot links that lead to costly penalties from Google. Instead, we work to ensure your content is worth linking to by other websites. It’s as simple, and powerful, as that.
Keyword research and analysis: You may think you know what search terms will convert best for website. But you may be too close to your business to see the whole picture. Our outside perspective and experience help us find you new, high-ROI keywords. To bring you more traffic that converts into more customers.
Going from low website traffic to hundreds or thousands of daily visitors won’t happen overnight. But it can happen — much faster — with the right plan and right skills. That’s what you get from us.
Please understand, our SEO consulting service is NOT for you if you:
• want a magic pill or an “instant” solution
• don’t have a team to implement what you learn
• don’t want ongoing help to grow your business for the long term
But this is for you if you:
• want an SEO strategy and tactics to match your goals
• want guidance from SEO experts who take the time to know your business
• want SEO skills your team can use to scale your business faster
We’ve delivered increased website traffic to over 1,000 clients worldwide since 2006.
From multinational corporations to small businesses … attorneys to software developers … consultants to retailers — we’ve seen it all.
And when you join us, you join more than 1,000 clients who enjoy 96% satisfaction with our SEO services.
Because less than 4% of our clients have ever moved on. The other 96% stay with us indefinitely. That’s the highest retention rate of any SEO service or digital marketing agency we know of.
Now take the next step. Request your complimentary SEO Strategy Session to deliver a surge of search traffic to your website, by transferring our SEO skills to your team. There’s no cost and no obligation.
Despite thousands of changes to Google and other search engines every year, less than 4% of our clients have ever moved on after working with us.
That’s the highest retention rate of any SEO service or digital marketing agency we know of.
There are 3 reasons why.
1) As Certified Google Partners, we play by the rules. We work with you to give Google and other search engines exactly what they want. That means you get more traffic to your website and more customers for your business. Without fear of getting your site “slapped” or banned with “black hat” methods that Google frowns on. (And if you found us on Google or another search engine, you’ve just proven to yourself that our SEO methods work.)
2) We analyze and troubleshoot your website. Our software shows you exactly what happened to your site and when. Because defining the problem half the battle of solving it.
3) Our software developers work around the clock, because they work around the world. The sun literally never sets on our team, because we’re global. And nobody else has our systems. That gives you a unique advantage working with us – and nobody else.
Who knows? OTT might be the best thing that ever happened to you.