This helps us with keyword research and copy, the more detail you provide the closer we can get to finding buyers.
Everybody has a dream keyword they want to rank for. For example, a lawyer would want to rank for “divorce lawyer”, however the competition for that term is really high so it will take quite a bit of time. But we can use those dream keywords and come up with something easier that gets traffic while working towards it.
Do you have a national/international business that ships anywhere? Do you only serve one city? Multiple city’s?
This question also helps with targeting. With info like this we can look at targeting specific neighborhoods. For example, if you are a custom residential fence builder, it wouldn’t make sense to market in a part of the city with mainly apartment buildings
We will highlight these on your site, you earned them, time to show them off to everybody.
For example, lets say you hired us for SEO, however you have an in-house person doing your Pay Per Click campaigns. In that case, we can work with your in-house person to identify the keywords that converting the best in your PPC campaign, rank for that term, then they can spend your PPC money somewhere else.