What is the Single Best Piece of SEO Advice?

What is the Single Best Piece of SEO Advice?

Less scrupulous companies have made a lot of money by giving customers the impression that SEO is highly technical and incredibly difficult, after all, the more complicated service is perceived the more you’re able to charge for it. This is one reason we’re regularly asked to give our opinion on the one single best piece of SEO advice.

Clearly, there are technical SEO improvements and adjustments that require in-depth understanding and knowledge and are certainly worth the investment. But the best SEO advice I can offer is actually not the most technically challenging. By consistently providing excellent, high-quality content to your audience, you will improve the user experience, increase engagement, and promote linking and sharing while increasing your target keyword SERP ranking.

Business is built on trust and reputation, key points regardless of whether you are online or offline. Google (and other search engines) stakes its reputation on providing users with the most relevant content, and that only works by creating a site that users and websites trust and believe has a strong reputation. The better your site content, the more valuable your site is to Google and the end user. The higher the quality of content you provide, the higher Google will rank you.

Frequency of Posting Content

While the ideal frequency of content updates remains a topic of debate among experts, the importance of consistent content creation cannot be overstated. Whether you choose to generate evergreen content, publish fresh articles, or maintain an active blog, a regular stream of updates is imperative to stay relevant and connected with your audience.

Quality of Content

Before embarking on the creation process, it is vital to meticulously consider the relevance of your content to your target audience. Will it captivate their attention? Would other reputable websites naturally seek to link to it? Posting content merely for the sake of maintaining a schedule serves no purpose. Instead, focus on producing content that genuinely adds value and resonates with your audience.

Content Engagement

The key to content success lies in creating material that not only captures the interest of your audience but also compels them to share it with others. How can you accomplish this? Craft high-quality content within your business niche, centering it around trending and pertinent topics that align with the interests and concerns of your target audience. Embrace a multimedia approach by incorporating visually appealing images, captivating videos, thought-provoking pull quotes, and social sharing buttons to encourage active engagement.

Covering Topics of Interest to Your Audience

Remember that the purpose of the content you’re creating ultimately answers a need. Your users have questions and your website needs to have those answers. It’s that simple. Figure out exactly what your base is looking for and create content around those concepts.

The framework of your entire site should be built on the idea of providing high-quality content. As your content is noticed, shared and linked to, trust and reputation will continue to grow, further improving your SERP and potentially your bottom line.

In summary –

  • A website with bad content and bad SEO will fail.
  • A website with outstanding SEO but poor content will struggle.
  • A website with good content but poor SEO can still be successful.
  • A website with good content and good SEO can become a stunning success.

Providing great content is without a doubt the single best piece of SEO advice I can offer.