What is a Blog?

What is a Blog?

A blog is essentially a type of website that originated from the format many online journals had back when the internet was new. It is characterized by having its content presented in reverse chronological order, meaning that newer content appears first.

They are primarily used as content delivery platforms, most often including texts – called “Blog posts” – images, videos, and animated gifs.

Initially, they came about as a way for people to share their content with others. Following a very basic mechanic: You posted a new entry on your blog, people read it and commented on it, and then you got to interact with through comments.

It is a basic formula that remains alive even to this day. That being said, blogs today tend to be a bit more involved and provide many more opportunities than just interacting through comments.

What makes Blogs different from regular websites?

Blogs and websites hold differences in both form and function.

Websites tend to be static – for the most part – digital platforms where people can visit and take different actions. They are usually designed to get visitors to take one or more specific actions to the benefit of the owners. They are broad.

Blogs, on the other hand, tend to be very dynamic content-wise. Yes, they usually follow a design too, but these tend to be much more straightforward. Their main attribute remains a centric stream of information sorted reverse-chronologically, and their focus is more content distribution-oriented.

Nowhere is this better appreciated than in users’ expectations.

While users have grown to love (and expect) a certain minimum level of polish in their sites (design-wise), they tend to be much more forgiving with blogs’ layouts.

What is a blog from an SEO point of view?

Blogs are amazing inbound marketing tools, which is probably why having corporate blogs has become such a widespread strategy among companies. They are platforms teeming with optimization opportunities that help them rank in SERPs.

When done right, a blog can be a constant source of leads. Drawing eyes to your content that can then be redirected to a website or the rest of your online presence.