The critical rending path (CRP) is a series of events that take place in order to render (display) the initial rendering of the website.
For it to happen, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files need to be analyzed. The necessary steps involved in rendering include: ‘constructing the object model,’ ‘constructing and painting the layout,’ and ‘adding interactivity with JavaScript.’
This process is essential, as it determines the speed at which your webpage loads.
It is commonly known that your website speed is critical when a search engine determines SERPs rankings. The faster the speed, the higher the ranking, the higher the ranking, the higher the traffic. Site loading speed is also important once a visitor reaches your site. It can affect site conversion and bounce rates. Critical rendering path is sometimes optimized to drop a couple of loading seconds off your site. Every second that is reduced from your site’s speed is a win.
How to optimize the critical rendering path?
To optimize the critical rendering path, taking these few steps is the way to go:
– Analyze your website and find the key resources that are necessary for the initial display.
– Since the page loads its above-the-fold content first, you can remove or defer elements that are not required for this step.
– Reduce the page size as much as possible by compressing and optimizing resources.
– Compress or optimize your main images.
– Concentrate only on a few pictures and not the total amount on your site. Pick only the images that are critical and need to be visible in the above-the-fold content.
– JavaScript files. Work the JavaScript files the same way as images: choose the data that will appear at the top of the page first.
– CSS files. Try and make your CSS document as small as possible. Optimize it to achieve a faster rendering time.