What Is Engagement And How Do I Track It?

What Is Engagement And How Do I Track It?

The primary purpose of Search Engine Optimization is to improve a site’s ranking and increase traffic. These goals are very hard to reach if you only use technical SEO strategies. That’s where engagement comes to play. When defining a brand or business’s content strategy, marketers take into consideration two things: their target audience, and keyword and user intent research. After those two key elements are determined, content is created and optimized for search engines. Said content should be helpful (valuable to users) and engaging.

‘User engagement’ shows how much visitors interact with an app, website, or social media profile. It also refers to people who take action either on your website or on your social media pages, instead of skimming the site and then leaving.

This metric is an indicator of how valuable your offer is to your audience. This is crucial for SEO and digital marketing, as it tells you is users find your content, or offer valueable and it has been strongly correlated with profitability.