Dominate Search Engines with Wix SEO Techniques is one of the world’s leading website building services online.


With an easy to use, intuitive interface, allows you to create beautifully looking sites of any kind, from blogs to e-commerce, without ever writing a single line of code! It is not surprising then that over 60 million websites have already been created on the platform.


It is thanks to this accessibility and variety – you can create a blog on as easily as you would put together an online e-commerce site – that so many people are choosing the platform to create the websites they always dreamed of.


However, as you put together your site (or once you’ve finally published it) you’ll notice a subject popping up over and over again in reference to how to make your fledgling site successful. The way to achieve this is undoubtedly SEO.

Implementing and managing your site’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the most important tasks you need to take care of if you want to promote it and guarantee its success.


SEO is the term we use to encompass a series of techniques, strategies, and practices designed to accomplish a single objective: to make your site successful by helping it rank higher on search engines results, driving more people to find your content.


Engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, are constantly scanning the net for websites and content through bots. These bots catalog every piece of information they come across with and index it. The next time someone makes a web search, they rank the sites with content relating to it and display them as search results.


If you are an artist, SEO will lead more people to see your online portfolio. If you run an online store, SEO will have more people finding your product and increase your sells. If you are a blogger or a reporter, apply proper SEO techniques to have more people around the world reading your content.


Given the site’s popularity and versatility, we thought it necessary to make a simple to follow, How-to guide on the basic principles of SEO Services for Wix websites, and how to take advantage of the powerful SEO tools exclusive to the platform.

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Keyword Research

Any powerful Search Engine Optimization strategy, including SEO for WIX, starts with the proper Keyword Research.

The objective of keyword research is pretty straightforward yet its effects are profound. Selecting the right keywords will determine the effectiveness of every other SEO techniques you apply to your website, so it is essential you take your time here and do it as thoroughly as possible.


What you need here is to find a list of words people are using on search engines (like Google) to find content relating to the one you provide in your website. Once you do, you refine that list into a handful of the very best and use those to power your whole Wix SEO strategy as well as your site’s content.


What constitutes the Best Keywords?


Three main points dictate the viability of a set of keywords:


Volume: or how much a word is actually searched for.


Competition: Most often than not, it is better to go for a slightly less popular Keyword that has a lot less competition.


Accuracy: You want words that actually relate as closely as possible to the content you offer, the less direct connection you keyword have to your content, the less effect they’ll have.


Now that you know what you are looking for, we can move on to the how.


There are many tools online that help you do an effective keyword research. However, there are two that relate directly to this guide and that should give you all you need, those are Google’s Keyword Planner and Wix’s Keyword Research tool.

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Google Keyword Planner
Google’s Keyword Planner is a wonderful, powerful tool where you can get a wealth of information about your keywords, and it’s completely free, but we’ve already covered (Link to SEO for Bigcommerce) how to use it in depth on another guide, so we’ll focus right now on another amazing tool for keyword research that’s provided by Wix itself.
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Wix’s Keyword Research Tool

This tool is part of the company’s suite of apps (called Wix SEO Wiz) which we’ll discuss in more detail further down this guide. However, I believe it has such an impact and usefulness to our entire SEO for Wix strategy that it deserves its own section.


To access it, just click on the cog icon in any of your pages (1) and select Page SEO. Scroll down to the dialogue box that reads Get Found on Google (2) and click on the Let’s Go button.


This will take you to Wix SEO Wiz site. Click on Start Now. After providing your business or website’s name and Location (which you can skip), we are finally on the Keyword tool.


Here you can write up to 5 different keywords, each composed of up to 5 words, separating each keyword with a coma. You should start with broad concepts and words relating to your content, in the example of a writing blog, I began with very broad concepts relating to the site’s content.


These will be refined as you do research and find out a keyword viability, but as a general principle, just remember that longtail keywords (those comprised of two or more words) tend to be more efficient and accessible to rank up on than single, broad words.


Once you are done, click on the Analyze My Keywords button which will display a list of results.


You can scroll down sections dedicated to each of the keywords you provided, and here’s what the tool gives you:

You get one of your primary keywords (the ones you entered) and a green line indicating their “strength.” Long story short, these are an estimate of what Wix considers is the viability of that word. Below that, you can see a few other keywords suggested by Wix related to the primary one you entered, each one with a keyword strength indicator of its own so that you can compare it to yours and other on that section. And finally, it goes into another part showing the same information for the next Keyword you entered.


This generates a wealth of information that tells you which keywords you should give priority when implementing your SEO for Wix strategies and producing new content for the site. In the image from the example, you can see my “Writing Tips” keyword is stronger than my “Flash Fiction Contest” one and stronger than every other suggested keyword in that section, giving me a strong indication that’s the best way to go.


Do this for a while, combine this information with Google’s Keyword Planner’s data, and you’ll end up with a robust set of keywords to work on your sites’ SEO.

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  • Filling in The Blanks

    Once you’ve taken care of the Keyword Research, you are now equipped with a fantastic array of strong keywords to power both, your site’s content and get to the nitty-gritty of SEO for Wix. There are a few sections on a website whose content is directly picked up by search engine bots, and as such have a massive impact on your page’s rankings, which makes them a primary target for search engine optimized content. The great news is that Wix’s platform makes it incredibly easy to access to those sections and input your strong keyword-primed content, so we’ll go over them.

  • General Site’s Settings:

    You can access your basic site setting by going to Site (1) on your top menu and clicking Site Settings (2) Which will land you on the site’s settings screen, and there’s a couple of things I believe are important to touch on..If you are working for a specific brand or company, maybe something you already began or established, you won’t have too much breathing room here. Your site’s name and domain address should probably just be those corresponding to your company. However, if you are starting something new, the keyword research you did can power up these sections significantly. Following my previous example, I could name my page “Writing Tips” and acquire (if available) the domain “” and have one of my most active keywords right there on the name and address of my site; something search engines will give a lot of weight to.

  • Meta Tags

    Meta tags serve a highly beneficial double purpose for your site, they can (and should) be constructed incorporating your tailored keywords to boost your site’s ranking, but they also serve as your site’s calling card when they appear in search engine results. Remember that all a potential visitor sees on the search results is a brief description and your site’s title, so it is vital that you craft meta tags that will pique potential visitor’s interest and make them want to click through while making use of your keywords to help your site rank higher. To access your meta tag editor, click on your pages menu on the top (1) followed by the show more button (2) and go to Page SEO (3) In the first text form (1) you can input your site’s title. This is an ideal place to include your business name, location, and maybe your name or your product’s name. The second text form (2) is intended for your website’s description. This is what visitors will see and read on web searches, so make sure to include relevant keywords but do so in a way that will appeal to their interest and have them wanting to know more. This is the section to put on your advertisement cap and try to be as passionate, vivid and engaging as you can. Finally, you can click on the tab marked “Preview on Google” (3) to have a preview of how the meta tag will look. Remember to do this process for each page on your site, which will have a compounding effect that will benefit your SEO for Wix strategy greatly.

  • Heading Tags

    After that, you can just drag and drop the “Site title” that corresponds to the H1 tag and use the keywords you researched to create a compelling, optimized H1 tag for every page on your website. Also, here’s a neat trick if you want to take advantage of your H1 tags but for design reasons you don’t want them visible on your site. For example, if your site already has headers that serve as page titles, just position your H1 tags with a color matching their background, which would make them invisible. Every page you create on Wix has the option of being assigned a Heading Tag, and to search engine bots, an H1 Tag works as a newspaper headline, giving them a strong indication of what your page is about. You should always make sure every single page of your website has adequately assigned tags (H1 being the priority here) containing your selected keywords. This will make it easier for search engines to properly index your website’s content, with the added benefit of giving your pages more weight to rank higher on results thanks to the implementation of powerful keywords. To set your H1 tag on any page, just go to the Wix editor (Top Menu Site then click Go To Editor) and Click the Add button from the left menu marked by a plus (+) sign, followed by the Text option.

Wix’s SEO Wiz

A guide dedicated to talking about SEO for Wix wouldn’t be complete without at least mentioning Wix’s SEO assistant app, called Wiz.


We’ve already discussed how to access it on our Keyword Research section. However, this handy tool does much more than just providing keyword research assistance.


At its core, the app is intended to perform a comprehensive analysis of your site and come back with an easy to follow “checklist style” set of tasks to complete if you want to improve your site’s SEO.

The tool is quite intuitive and self-explanatory, so there’s little to add about how to work with it save for an important caveat.


Always keep in mind that automated software are very limited and although handy for suggestions, you should never follow them blindly. The critical mind of an actual human will more often than not offer a much keener insight into what is best to your site. So keep what you have learned in this guide handy while you work alongside the SEO for Wix Wiz and you should be fine.


On that note, I’d also like to remind you that adequately conducted SEO takes time.


You won’t necessarily see marked results or ranking improvement right away. Your changes require time to be indexed by bots, and is not a “Once and done” situation. SEO is a continuous process that will take time, patience and upkeep.

Covering all your bases as far as SEO goes (something you might desperately want to do if you are serious about your website) might seem like an overwhelming task.


We talked about the very basics of SEO for Wix, but there’s so much more to explore and take advantage of, but it would take several other guides to do so. If you really need to unveil all the secrets for a successful Wix website, you can contact one of our SEO experts.


It can also benefit you by cutting down your learning process and have you up and running before you’d otherwise be able to.

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